Our team is taking on the challenge of Stride4Stroke and raising funds for Stroke Foundation!
Hi there, we are taking on the challenge of Stride4Stroke and raising funds for Stroke Foundation to help prevent stroke, save lives and enhance recovery.
In the next 19 minutes, someone, somewhere in Australia is going to have a first time stroke.
Stroke is one of Australia's biggest killers and doesn't discriminate; it affects anyone, anytime, even unborn babies. It claims more lives than breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. And incredibly, around 600 Australian children experience stroke each year.
By supporting us, you'll be contributing to sustaining vital programs and resources that Stroke Foundation provides, including:
Preventing Stroke:
- StrokeSafe Talks
- Australia's Biggest Blood Pressure Check
- Information Resources
Saving Lives:
- F.A.S.T. (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) Signs of Stroke Awareness
- Living Guidelines for Stroke Management
- InformMe Website for Health Professionals
Enhancing Recovery:
- StrokeLine
- My Stroke Journey
- EnableMe Website for Survivors of Stroke
Your support goes beyond just a donation; it's a lifeline for individuals at risk of stroke and survivors of stroke.
Thank you for supporting us. Together we can change the state of stroke in Australia for generations to come.
Thank you to our Sponsors
Matthew Viney
Mitchell Wear
Trent Lawrence
Great work wifey xoxo
Candice Ingram
Aviso Group
Glen Mc
Stace Family
Alex Mcp
Had to top Chris's donation
Aviso Group
Cheryl Ingram
Great work Keat. Proud of you mate 🫂
Raymond Smith
Chris Mcp
Go Dad
Rosanne Burrows
Good luck. Great cause. Love Rosanne and Dad xxx
Rebecca Hanson
Great cause!
Helen Barry
Kate Thompson
Go Sarz!
Aviso Group
Aviso Group is proud to match your donation.
Suzanne Hoff
Proud of you Keat. Yet again, another worthy cause xx
Mason & Jax
Go Dad
Alice Lane
Great job Keaton! Such a worthy cause!
Renee Zimmerman
Go Sara!
Tegan Morgan
Nanna On A Bike
50 pushups thanks Poorly!
Aviso Group
Aviso Group is proud to match your donation.