Graeme Leese

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675 minutes

I’m taking on the challenge of Stride4Stroke and raising funds for Stroke Foundation!

Hi there, I'm taking on the challenge of Stride4Stroke and raising funds for Stroke Foundation to help prevent stroke, save lives and enhance recovery.

In the next 19 minutes, someone, somewhere in Australia is going to have a stroke for the first time.

Stroke is one of Australia's biggest killers and doesn't discriminate; it affects anyone, anytime, even unborn babies. It claims more lives than breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. And incredibly, around 600 Australian children experience stroke each year.

By supporting me, you'll be helping to sustain vital programs and resources that Stroke Foundation provides, including:

Preventing Stroke:

  • StrokeSafe Talks
  • Australia's Biggest Blood Pressure Check
  • Information Resources

Saving Lives:

  • F.A.S.T. (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) Signs of Stroke Awareness
  • Living Guidelines for Stroke Management
  • InformMe Website for Health Professionals

Enhancing Recovery:

  • StrokeLine
  • My Stroke Journey
  • EnableMe Website for Survivors of Stroke

Your support goes beyond just a donation; it's a lifeline for individuals at risk of stroke and survivors of stroke.

Thank you for supporting me. Together we can change the state of stroke in Australia for generations to come.

So far I have helped Stroke Foundation deliver…

Initial advice and support from a health professional on StrokeLine

A stroke recovery pack to three survivors of stroke

Training to a StrokeSafe volunteer to deliver community talks.

Funding to stroke researchers to find the next game-changer in stroke.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Joan Leese


Adam Lord


Mark Simula

proud of ya mate


The King

Good job GL, Great cause mate.


James Leese


Genevieve Spinks




Marion Hempstead


Toni Gray


Jeff Hurd


Rob And Marisa Albanese


Cinnamon Burrows


Prue Weir

Good work Graeme


Greg Heatley


Ferrets Frontman

Well done Gman. True legend. All the best with it.


Joan Leese


Aviso Group

Aviso Group is proud to match your donation.


Graeme Leese


Neil Hartley

Go you good thing


Victor Leese


Darren Speers



Good luck mate 👍🙏


Abbey Simula

Don't sprain an ankle 😀


Mark Chaseling


Anne Martin


Tim Garrett




Debbie Simula

Good on you Graeme


Julie Leeae


Mark Scarborough


Margaret Roberts






Debbie Davidson

G! Always the legend ♥️


Sandra Clarke


Allison Wiseman


Aviso Group

Aviso Group is proud to match your donation.

