Chloe Furphy

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I’m taking on the challenge of Stride4Stroke and raising funds for Stroke Foundation!

Hi there, I'm taking on the challenge of Stride4Stroke and raising funds for Stroke Foundation to help prevent stroke, save lives and enhance recovery.

In the next 19 minutes, someone, somewhere in Australia is going to have a stroke for the first time.

Stroke is one of Australia's biggest killers and doesn't discriminate; it affects anyone, anytime, even unborn babies. It claims more lives than breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. And incredibly, around 600 Australian children experience stroke each year.

By supporting me, you'll be helping to sustain vital programs and resources that Stroke Foundation provides, including:

Preventing Stroke:

  • StrokeSafe Talks
  • Australia's Biggest Blood Pressure Check
  • Information Resources

Saving Lives:

  • F.A.S.T. (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) Signs of Stroke Awareness
  • Living Guidelines for Stroke Management
  • InformMe Website for Health Professionals

Enhancing Recovery:

  • StrokeLine
  • My Stroke Journey
  • EnableMe Website for Survivors of Stroke

Your support goes beyond just a donation; it's a lifeline for individuals at risk of stroke and survivors of stroke.

Thank you for supporting me. Together we can change the state of stroke in Australia for generations to come.

My Updates

25th of May 2024.

25th of May 2024. 
It was one day my family won't forget. 
This particular morning my sister Skye, called us saying mum had a fall and she had called an ambulance because she was showing signs of a stroke. 
My 2 sisters Skye and Nikki were with Mum and Dad.
I'm living 3 hours south of mum. My brother Marshall was 3 hours west of mum. We stayed at our homes until we heard more. 

We heard back, confirming it was a mini stroke but mum seemed perfectly normal. The hospital wanted to do more tests and keep her in for monitoring. 
We received another call that night, saying mum had another stroke and needed to be flown to a hospital in Brisbane for emergency surgery. 
At 11pm, I was up with my 12 week old baby when I heard the helicopter go over, I knew that was the helicopter that mum was in. 
At midnight, we received a call from the surgeon explaining the procedure and asking for our permission to perform the clot retrieval. 
02.56am I will never forget the voice of the surgeon that called saying that mum made it through surgery and that it was a success. 
05.00 am I couldn't wait any longer, I needed to call her nurse for an update. The nurse said her stats were good and that she was talking! To hear that mum was talking was another incredible moment where I couldn't do anything but sit and cry tears of relief. 
11.00am and my brother arrived, we went straight to the hospital. Although Mum was sleeping alot, she knew we were there. She knew our voices, she remembered us. Another moment we won't forget. 

We watched Mum improve more and more everyday. She ztarted to smile. She took her first steps. She danced. She laughed. She remembered things from years ago. 

My brother sat by mums side for 12 hours a day before she was flown back to her home town. 

Mum continued to improve in Rehabilitation and 8 weeks post stroke, she was finally discharged from hospital. 

Today marks 4 months since mums stroke, mum is still improving and we are so proud of the strength and determination she has shown from the very beginning. 

We are also incredibly thankful for the staff at the Royal Brisbane Women's Hospital and all involved in mums care as well organising the helicopter to Brisbane quick enough to save our beautiful mothers life. 

Today I am raising funds to help  someone else in need, someone else's family member, someone else's friend who may also need the medical services mum did to save her life.

So far I have helped Stroke Foundation deliver…

Initial advice and support from a health professional on StrokeLine

A stroke recovery pack to three survivors of stroke

Training to a StrokeSafe volunteer to deliver community talks.

Funding to stroke researchers to find the next game-changer in stroke.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Leanne Angeles


Mandy & Rob


Brady Jackson


Nicole Doherty


Skye Duncan


Jen Abbott