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I’m taking on the challenge of Stride4Stroke and raising funds for Stroke Foundation!

Hi there, I'm taking on the challenge of Stride4Stroke and raising funds for Stroke Foundation to help prevent stroke, save lives and enhance recovery.

In the next 19 minutes, someone, somewhere in Australia is going to have a stroke for the first time.

Stroke is one of Australia's biggest killers and doesn't discriminate; it affects anyone, anytime, even unborn babies. It claims more lives than breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. And incredibly, around 600 Australian children experience stroke each year.

By supporting me, you'll be helping to sustain vital programs and resources that Stroke Foundation provides, including:

Preventing Stroke:

  • StrokeSafe Talks
  • Australia's Biggest Blood Pressure Check
  • Information Resources

Saving Lives:

  • F.A.S.T. (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) Signs of Stroke Awareness
  • Living Guidelines for Stroke Management
  • InformMe Website for Health Professionals

Enhancing Recovery:

  • StrokeLine
  • My Stroke Journey
  • EnableMe Website for Survivors of Stroke

Your support goes beyond just a donation; it's a lifeline for individuals at risk of stroke and survivors of stroke.

Thank you for supporting me. Together we can change the state of stroke in Australia for generations to come.

My Updates

Keep it coming

A massive thank you to all who have donated so far.
Only 9 days in and I've already reached and raised my goal twice thanks to the generosity of you all.
$1106 raised, 410 minutes walked, 51,942 steps taken and 38 km racked up, 21 days to go.  Keep it coming legends, you are all helping Aussies in their most time of need.

Thanks to all my supporters so far

A massive shoutout to everyone who has supported me this far, already over half way to my target, with a hope of increasing that further if my goal gets met.
Its people like you that make a difference, THANK YOU SO SO MUCH :)

So far I have helped Stroke Foundation deliver…

Initial advice and support from a health professional on StrokeLine

A stroke recovery pack to three survivors of stroke

Training to a StrokeSafe volunteer to deliver community talks.

Funding to stroke researchers to find the next game-changer in stroke.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Nathan Giles

You’re doing a great thing year after year Lou… well done to you…& thanks for your efforts towards the cause


Carolyn Travaille

Thank you


Sonia Ratkaj

You are amazing!!!!


Damien Kleidon

Good luck loue


Jemima Ibbotson

Lots of love 🤍


Mahala Strongway

Thank you for your commitment to helping others Lou!



Well done Louise 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️


Mandie Furniss

Champ ❤️


Kathryn Culliver


Brooke Wilkin


Jessie Kelberg

Your dad would be proud Lou, another great accomplishment xo




Louise Travaille


Rachel And Nick Law

Great cause, well done lou


Maria Travaille

All the best gorgeous xo


Caitlin Hartigan


Roslyn Travaille

Good luck Louise


Rach H

Proud of you, amazing human. Keep up the great work


Sharon Weening

Good going cuz xx


Debbie Jamieson

Well done Lou xx


Mel .

Such a wonderful cause to support. You go girl!