Please find below our most frequently asked questions. If you can't find the information you are after, want a chat or need further help, please conatct us, we'd love to hear from you!

 1300 194 196



What is Stride4Stroke?

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Stride4Stroke is a community fitness and fundraising challenge organised by Stroke Foundation.

We challenge you to get active in any way you like: run, walk, dance, yoga, swim, ride, or undertake stroke recovery. You can choose any activity you prefer.

The time you spend being active is measured in Moving Minutes.

All funds raised will help Stroke Foundation to continue providing vital programs and resources.

Where is Stride4Stroke?

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You can do Stride4Stroke anywhere, depending on how you choose to be active

It could be at home, the gym, in your local park, or even the ocean.  You can train for a marathon, count your progress at physio or walk round the block with friends. Its all up to you! 

When is Stride4Stroke?

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Stride4Stroke officially takes place from the 1st to 30th November.

You can start logging your Moving Minutes on the 1st November, however the lead up to November is a great time to set some training goals. 

Who can take part in Stride4Stroke?

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Anyone can take part. 

It's more fun in a team, so get your mates together. There's no better way to Stride!

Is there an age limit? 

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There is no age limit to participate in Stride4Stroke. If you have any concerns, chat to your GP and follow their advice. 

If you are under 18, you MUST get permission from a parent or guardian before participating in any fundraising activities for Stroke Foundation.   

Do you have a Stride4Stroke FB group? 

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Yes, we do! If you’re looking to be more involved in Stride4Stroke, click here to head over and join our Stride4Stroke community on FacebookNot only will we be sharing milestones, tips, and information but the whole Stride4Stroke community will be there to help motivate and celebrate your achievements


What are Moving Minutes?

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Moving Minutes are the minutes you aim to be active in November.

For example, going for a 30 minute walk = 30 Moving Minutes.

You can achieve your Moving Minutes through any physical activity that suits you.

Why Moving Minutes? 

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76 Australians have a first-time stroke every day, with more than 80% of strokes being preventable. Managing your stroke risk and living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent you from having a stroke.

Research tells us 30 minutes of exercise five times a week can reduce your stroke risk by 25 percent*

Like eating your fruit and veggies daily, Stride4Stroke is all about ensuring you set good habits to be active and stay stroke safe.

*World Stroke Organization. 2021. Why stroke matters - Stroke risks and prevention. Available at: https://www.world-stroke.org/world-stroke-day-campaign/why-stroke-matters/stroke-prevention/stroke-risks-and-prevention  


How do I set a Moving Minutes goal?

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To set your Moving Minutes goal, decide how active you'd like to be every day in November.

Research tells us 30 minutes of exercise five times a week can reduce your stroke risk by 25 percent.

If we use this as a guide, if you were to do a 30 minute walk, 5 days per week, and there are 4 weeks in November:

30 mins x 20 days = 600 moving minutes. 

Everyone is different, so set a goal that is reasonable and achievable for you. 

How do I update my Moving Minutes goal? 

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  • Log into your dashboard. 
  • Go to 'My Activity’ 
  • Scroll down to 'Edit your Moving Minutes goal' 
  • Input your goal.
  • Scroll down and select 'Save Changes' at the bottom of the page.

What physical activity can I choose for Stride4Stroke?

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It is up to you! We understand that everyone has different lifestyles, goals, limitations and passions.

Whether you run, walk, dance, do yoga, swim, ride, or undertake stroke recovery, it all counts.

How do I manually record my activity?

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  • Log into your dashboard.
  • Scroll down to 'Add Activity'
  • Input your Moving Minutes, Date and Activity Type.
  • Scroll down and select ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of the page.

How do I link Strava, Garmin and Fitbit to my page?

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  1. Log into your account.
  2. Click on your name in the top right-hand corner and navigate to 'My Activity'.
  3. Scroll down to where you see the Fitbit, Garmin and Strava logo.
  4. Click on the relevant icon which will ask you to login to your Fitbit, Garmin or Strava account.
  5. Agree to the settings and click submit.

Fitbit Note: You must record an “activity" with your Fitbit in order for it to contribute to your kilometres. 

Your activity will sync once a day and is not immediate as soon as you’ve done it. It is also important to note that only one activity a day will sync (e.g. if you do 2 runs, only the most recent will sync). If you would like to include more than one activity a day you will need to manually upload your activity.

Can I use another device to track my activity?

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Absolutely! You can track your activity on whatever app you prefer.

Unfortunately, at this time, we can only link Strava, Garmin and Fitbit to automatically update your activity.

However, you still log your Moving Minutes manually on your dashboard using your device as a reference.

To do this, please refer to ‘How do I manually record my activity?'

My Fitbit activity is not appearing on my page. What do I do?

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If your activity is not appearing on your dashboard please follow these steps.

  1. Make sure your Fitbit is synced with your Stride4Stroke dashboard.
  2. Start and Stop each activity from your Fitbit app.
  3. Allow 24 hours for your activity to appear on your dashboard.

If your activity is not appearing you can manually add your Moving Minutes on your dashboard.


What can I do when I log in to my dashboard? 

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When you log in to your fundraising dashboard, you have access to a whole range of resources including fundraising tools and downloads.

This is your secure fundraising dashboard that only you can see. You can: 

  • Set a fundraising goal for yourself, add a photo and your story.  
  • Download resources to help you achieve your fundraising goals. 
  • Send emails to ask for donations and track your fundraising results. 
  • Create a team and then recruit team members by sending emails asking people to join you. 
  • Thank your donors by writing them a personalised thank you email. 
  • Update your profile, contact details and change your password.  
  • Accept or delete comments from supporters.  
  • Pay-in cash donations received and more!  

Log in now and check it out!   

How do I reset my password?  

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To reset your password, click on ‘Login’ and select ‘Forgot password’.    


Do you have any tools to help me with my fundraising?   

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When you register for Stride4Stroke you’ll gain access to guides and downloadable resources, like social media tiles, and posters.

All these resources are designed to help you raise money, thank your sponsors and share your progress.  

How do I get sponsors? 

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When you sign up, you'll get your very own fundraising page where you can upload photos, post videos to your timeline, choose a fundraising goal and tell your story. 

One of the easiest ways to get sponsors is to share your fundraising page on social media and send emails to family, friends and work colleagues and ask for support.  

From within your fundraising dashboard, you can send emails asking for donations. Log in and click - "Share and Invite".

The are email templates you can use that will contain a link to your fundraising page, where people can contribute with their credit card – easy!

There are also other fundraising tips and ideas available to download on your dashboard. 

Start asking for donations as early as possible. Remember that by asking someone to donate to you, you are allowing them to support an extremely worthwhile cause. So cast your net wide; family and friends, colleagues, business contacts, staff from other businesses in your building, suppliers, clients. 

Where do the funds go?  

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By fundraising for Stride4Stroke you'll be helping to sustain vital programs and resources that Stroke Foundation provides, such as:

Preventing Stroke

  • StrokeSafe Talks
  • Australia's Biggest Blood Pressure Check
  • Information Resources
Saving Lives
  • F.A.S.T. (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) Signs of Stroke Awareness
  • Living Guidelines for Stroke Management
  • InformMe Website for Health Professionals

Enhancing Recovery

  • StrokeLine
  • My Stroke Journey
  • EnableMe Website for Survivors of Stroke


How can people donate?  

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Share your fundraising link and your family, friends and colleagues can donate directly to your fundraising page.

As soon as they make their donation, they will receive a tax deductible gift receipt (for donations over $2) and their donation amount will automatically be added to your fundraising goal.

If you’ve been given cash, you can donate the money to your fundraising page on their behalf using a credit or debit card. Refer to Can I add a cash donation? for instructions. 

Can I add a cash donation?  

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Yes. You can add a cash donation by following these steps:  

  1. Login to your Stride4Stroke account and go to your dashboard  
  2. Select the ‘My Donations’ button  
  4. Follow the prompts to add the cash to your page using your credit or debit card.
  5. If you enter the cash donors first name, last name and email address the donation platform will email them a receipt for the donation.   

How can I change my fundraising goal?   

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If you hit your fundraising goal, consider increasing your target!

Simply log in to your fundraising page dashboard, click on ‘Edit My Page’ and update your fundraising target.    

Can I thank my donors?  

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Absolutely. Once you sign up to Stride4Stroke dashboard you’ll have access to loads of free resources such as email templates and social media assets that you can use to thank your donors.   

You can also choose to send thank you messages directly from your dashboard by clicking ‘my donations’ and following the prompts. 

Are there social media resources to help share my Stride4Stroke page?

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We have a selection of social media assets under "Your Resources" on your fundraising dashboard for you to use.

When you are posting make sure you use the #Stride4Stroke hashtag and also tag Stroke Foundation.

  • Facebook tag: @StrokeFoundation
  • LinkedIn tag: @StrokeFoundation
  • Instagram tag: @Strokefdn
  • Twitter tag: @Strokefdn

I've reached my fundraising goal. What's next?

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Amazing effort! We encourage you to keep on going and to update your fundraising target. To do this simply:

  1. Login to your fundraising page

  2. Select 'Edit My page'

  3. Scroll down to 'Update Your Stride4Stroke Fundraising Page'

  4. Make sure you select 'save changes'

  5. Keep up the great work!

How do I share the F.A.S.T. (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) signs of stroke?

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Stride4Stroke is all about raising awareness of stroke and the importance of acting F.A.S.T.  

We have a range of resources to share in your workplace, through your community or with your family and friends. Log onto your dashboard and click on the ‘Your Resources’ option.  You’ll find posters to share why you’re participating and resources on stroke awareness. 


Are donations tax deductible?

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Yes. All donations $2 and over are tax deductible and a receipt is emailed to your donor immediately after they make the donation.

Why isn't my donation showing on the participants page? 

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You may have made a general donation to Stride4Stroke instead of donating to a specific person.  

Call us on 1300 194 196 or email us at stride4stroke@strokefoundation.org.au and we will move your donation to the right spot. 


What is a team? 

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A team is a group of people who want to be active and raise funds for Stroke Foundation through Stride4Stroke.  The team can be family members, friends, work colleagues, a community group or anyone you know who wants to join you. 

Teams are a great way to participate, stay motivated, work towards a common Moving Minute and fundraising goal and celebrate your amazing achievements. 

As a group, you’re also helping raise awareness on the impact of stroke and ways to reduce the risk of stroke.

Who can create a team? 

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Anyone can create a team!  Simply sign up to participate in Stride4Stroke and create a team as part of your sign up process. You’ll then be Team Captain and be able to manage your team members and your team’s fundraising page.

Creating a team 

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It's more fun in a team, so get your mates together. There's no better way to Stride!

Invite your friends, family and colleagues to Stride4Stroke with you. 

Create a team when you sign up by following the prompts.

If you're already registered and would like to create a team, login to your dashboard and click the 'Create a Team' option and then follow the prompts. 

Joining a team

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You may be invited to join a team by being sent a link by a friend.

This link will take you through the sign up process to create your personal fundraising page and become a team member.

You can also search for a team on the Stride4Stroke website and click “Join”. 

Please note: to be able to join a team you need to sign up as an individual first.

Who is the team captain? 

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The captain is the person who created the team.

If you'd like to change who the team captain is, please contact us on 1300 194 196 or email us at stride4stroke@strokefoundation.org.au.

Can anyone join my team?

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The team captain will have the option to allow anyone to join your team, or you can set your team to private so only those you invite can join.  

To edit your team settings -

  1. Simply log in to your fundraising page dashboard
  2. Click on ‘My Team’
  3. Click on ‘Edit Team Page’ and
  4. Update YES or NO to allow anyone to join my team.    

How do I edit the team fundraising goal? 

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The captain of a team can update the team fundraising goal. To do this, the captain will need to: 

  • Login to your dashboard. 
  • Go to ‘My Team’ and then 'Edit Team Page.'  
  • Here you can update your team profile image and fundraising target. 
  • Click ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of the page. 

Can my workplace join Stride4Stroke? 

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Absolutely!  The more the merrier ? All you need is someone to be the Team Captain and a team name.   

From there, your Team Captain needs to: 

  • Sign up. 
  • Create the team during the sign up process. 
  • Set a team fundraising and Moving Minutes goal. 
  • Invite everyone in your workplace to be part of the team. 
  • Plan fun activities for the month of November. 
  • Keep the team motivated and up to date with all things Stride4Stroke. 

We’ve got a heap of resources to encourage everyone to be stroke aware and help get the team excited for Stride4Stroke. Once you’ve logged into your dashboard, you’ll find them in the drop-down menu under ‘Your Resources’. 

There are more ideas on Workplace participation here. 

I'm doing Stride4Stroke on my own - is there a team I can join?

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Stroke Foundation would love to invite you to join the Stride Community Team.

All you need to do is:

  • Click on the “Join the Team” button  
  • Click on the 'Teams' button 
  • Find the Stroke Foundation 2024 Team 


Simply set your Moving Minutes and fundraising target on your individual page, and together we can work to achieve them.

The funds you raise and Moving Minutes you log will contribute to the team's tally.


What are the rewards for Stride4Stroke?

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The rewards for Stride4Stroke in 2024 include:

  • At $95: An exclusive singlet.
  • At $350: A gym towel, cap, and drink bottle (capped to the first 500)
  • At $1,000: A yoga mat (capped to the first 100).

These rewards are designed to enhance your Stride4Stroke experience and celebrate your fundraising milestones.

Please note that we will be using Australia Post to send you your items. Delivery times may be affected due to Australia Post service disruptions.

Please click here to Australia Posts current service times.

When do I get my free singlet?

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As soon as you raise $95 on your personal fundraising page, you'll be eligible for a free Stride4Stroke singlet.

When you signed up to Stride4Stroke you provided your size. It is a unisex size singlet. If your sizing has changed be sure to get in contact with us.

We ask that you ensure your mailing address is correct on your dashboard.

To double check your mailing address simply:

  1. Login to your dashboard
  2. Proceed to your account details (link here)

Please note that we will be using Australia Post to send you your items. Delivery times may be affected due to Australia Post service disruptions.

Please click here to Australia Posts current service times.

Do you have a size guide for the Stride4Stroke singlets? 

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Stride4Stroke singlets are unisex sizing from XS to 3XL (size chart below).  

















Please note the sizing guide is for a 1/2 CHEST (cm). Approx, may vary by -/+ 2cm

Stock in some sizes are limited, and it is a first come first serve basis.   

Do you have team fundraising rewards? 

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Our Stride4Stroke rewards are currently issued for individual fundraising efforts. 

If team members would like fundraising rewards, please ensure donations are being received on team member pages rather than the team page.

We can move donations from a team page to a team member's page.

If you'd like donations moved, please contact us on 1300 194 196 or email us at stride4stroke@strokefoundation.org.au.

Can I purchase Stride4Stroke merchandise? 

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Our Stride4Stroke merchandise is for rewarding fundraising milestones and is not available for purchase. We apologise for any disappointment this may cause.

However, we do have Stroke Foundation merchandise available for purchase at: Stroke Foundation Store.

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If you have any questions or need help along the way, take a look at our FAQ’s page or send us an email.

Share your wonderful efforts with us




P: 1300 194 196
 Stroke Foundation
Level 7, 461 Bourke St, Melbourne 3000
We also have offices in Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and Hobart